Tariff News

Notice on SMUD Tariff R-TOD-SSR, March - July 2022


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Sacramento Municipal Utility District (“SMUD”) introduced a new Solar and Storage tariff for solar customers (Rate Schedule “R-TOD-SSR”), which took effect on March 1, 2022. SMUD published documentation regarding the revised tariff structure on their website: https://www.smud.org/-/media/Documents/Rate-Information/Rates/01_SSR.ashx

Based on the published documentation, the Genability tariff team updated the Genability tariff database with the new tariff information, to be effective on March 1, 2022. The treatment of solar PV generation export was modeled based on a monthly netting of production against account electricity consumption, as opposed to intraday, or real time, netting against electricity consumption. Genability did not adjust the treatment of solar PV generation to intraday, or real time, netting against electricity consumption until July 20, 2022. Accordingly, calculations of solar savings analyses performed between March 1, 2022 and July 20, 2022 which relied on the Genability Switch solar savings Application Programming Interface (API) using the SMUD R-TOD-SSR tariff may be inaccurate.

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