Genablity Extends Electricity Rate Coverage to The Long Tail
By John Tucker
| Reading time 1 minute
When we first started collecting electricity rates we went after the utilities and states with the most customers (California, New York, Florida, etc.). To date, Genability has collected electricity rates that represent 88% of Residential customers and 86% of Commercial customers in the U.S. Chances are if you’re looking for a utility rate for your customer, we have it.
And once we start collecting tariffs for a particular utility, we capture all of their available tariffs. This ensures that when you request tariff for a location or utility, you see all the available choices. Once coverage for a utility is initiated, we continuously monitor the tariff rates for rate changes and tariff revisions.
Beyond prioritizing the largest utilities, Genability has made a special effort in both solar friendly states (we cover 100% of California, 98% of New Jersey). We also have 100% coverage of utilities that offer competitive electric supply in deregulated markets.
What about the long tail? We are constantly working on the long list of munis and co-ops that serve the less populated parts of the U.S. We work with our customers with data coverage service level agreements (SLAs) or anticipated rollouts to ensure that they have all the tariffs they need at launch.
Genability has captured complete rate data for over 300 utilities in the U.S., covering nearly 90% of electric customers. We are adding more and more everyday, so if you didn’t find the utility you looked for last time you logged into Explorer check us again. And if you have a request, send it our way and we’ll let you know when it becomes available.
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