author: cvargas date: 2017-02-23 20:07:31+00:00 layout: post slug: california-sb584-2017 title: California’s Commitment to Clean Energy description California Clean Energy Legislation and Equinox categories:

If you believe that we should convert our electricity to renewable sources, the Golden State has a new bill that we recommend you consider supporting, sb-584. This legislation introduced last week would have California to get 100% its electricity from solar, wind and renewable sources by 2045.

If you would like to support this initiative, you can start by calling your CA State Representatives. You can find their contact info here. It took me just a few minutes this morning to call mine - Scott Weiner and Phil Ting, at their Sacramento offices.

And if you would like to do more and have fun while doing so, you can head to Equinox next month on March 24, 2017 and support Vote Solar. They are an organization that works everyday with state and local legislators to promote clean renewable energy policy.